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  Lastes News and Updates

The Best Times (Magazine for active mature adults age 50 and better) has placed on its website front page (left),

some information about Kris Pelczar's art exhibit and photos taken on the opening night, January 10th, at CBU.

The excitement of 380 attendees and the beautiful artwork in several medians, including wood carvings, clay reliefs,

pencil drawings, paint on canvass, and icons, was very exciting.


You will see Kris Pelczar pictured with his multiple works along with several people you may also recognize.

This wonderful art exhibit of his work should not be missed. 


Please see the following link:


Preparation for Exhibit at THE BEVERLY & SAM ROSS GALLERY

With over 50 pieces in Kris's art exhibit it took a lot of time and preparation. By using many stands and easels to show the art each piece was put in the perfect spot.


See more pictures click me.

Panoramic Pictures

of Art Exhibit click me.

Pictures of Opening Night Reception


More Pictures click me.

On the opening night of the art exhibit there was around 380+ people that attended. The atmosphere was all around positive with food, wine, and smiling faces. Kris's artwork brightened the room with many colours created by different medias and beautiful pieces.

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